Osteoporosis is a disease in which your bones become brittle and weak, making them more susceptible to fractures.

So if you have osteoporosis does it rule out chiropractic care?

Not necessarily.

In order to understand osteoporosis, we need to understand that the bones become less dense, and when they are less dense, your bones aren’t as strong as they used to be and they are more easily fractured. In fact, normal daily activities can become a risk for people and even minor events and falls can be enough to cause a fracture.

Many people seek chiropractic care for correction of spinal issues and to improve their overall health and well-being.  Typically, chiropractic ‘adjustments’ are made to the spine at an area where the joint is not moving or functioning normally, also known as a subluxation or imbalance in the spine. This is done to restore normal joint motion, improve spinal biomechanics as well as impact the function of the central nervous system. Chiropractors use quick and light forces to deliver an adjustment and although adjustments are extremely safe, it is important to determine the condition of a person’s spine prior to any form of care. At Chiropractic Balance we take a detailed clinical history and perform a comprehensive spinal and neurological examination first (plus may even take x-rays if necessary) to determine what your core issues are, so that they can give you the very best lifestyle advice and care possible. We also use a gentle technique called sacro-occipital technique and may sometimes use a handheld device called an ‘activator’.

Preventing osteoporosis – reduce your risk

Preventing osteoporosis is important. Although there are treatments for osteoporosis, there is no cure. You can reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis and having a fracture by:

  • Having a well-balanced diet-more nature based foods.
  • Vitamin D to help the body absorb calcium. The best source of vitamin D is from safe sunlight exposure.
  • Weight-bearing, high impact and strengthening exercises (such as yoga, walking, pilates, and weight training)
  • Having a bone density test, if appropriate
  • Asking your doctor if any medicines you take may be causing bone loss
  • Not smoking
  • Drinking less alcohol