Chiropractic Balance Blog

Magnificent Magnesium

As the fourth most abundant mineral in your body magnesium can be found in your bones, teeth and red blood cells. But why are health professionals noticing more and more people are magnesium deficient and what are the consequences of this?

The Art of Good Breathing

Good breathing is more than just something you do to stay alive. It is an art. An art that when practised regularly, directly affects mood, function and quality of life.

You Are What You Think

Ever wondered why we ask you what’s been making you smile lately or give you recommendations for daily mental relaxation? Well, the power of your thoughts may be stronger than you’ve ever realised….

Paleo Double Layer Chocolate Cake – Plus FREE Birthday Cake e-cookbook.

Due to the imminent due date of my second baby, yesterday Franklin (our 2 year old) and I decided to bake ‘it’ a birthday cake. As we are what we eat, we wanted to make sure that this cake was as full of as many nutrients as possible. That’s when I came across my friend Leandra’s (the ‘Cosmopolitan Hippy’) Paleo chocolate cake recipe. 

Cortisol and Adrenal Fatigue

Cortisol is one of those “good/bad” hormones. Too much in the evening and you won’t fall asleep. Too little in the morning and you can’t get out of bed. How can you regulate the production of this hormone to have good energy levels and avoid fatiguing your adrenal glands?


Women beware!! Regularly carrying a large, heavy bag, texting and looking down can cause an alteration in your natural posture. When you add the combination of high heels it becomes a recipe for accelerated symptoms.