Walk Your Way to Wellness – The Benefits of Walking

If you want to add a few years to your lifespan, set aside 20 to 25 minutes for a daily walk. This simple habit, which can also arguably be one of the most enjoyable parts of your day, has been found to trigger an anti-ageing process and even help repair old DNA.[1] Individuals who engage…

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4 Simple Breathing Practices To Relieve Stress & Tension

Shoulder pumping (Five minutes) This dynamic relaxation exercise is great for stress-busting and can give you a lot of energy. Give it a go, moving your shoulders gently or with a lot of energy, depending on what feels right and paying attention to any pain you may have. Always be respectful of how you feel…

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7 Habits to extend your lifespan

If you want to be healthier and live longer, here are seven habits that were discovered as part of a study initiated in Alameda County California in 1965. This study followed people for two decades and came to an astounding realisation, that there were seven consistent habits that showed up over and over again in…

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