Paleo Double Layer Chocolate Cake – Plus FREE Birthday Cake e-cookbook.

Due to the imminent due date of my second baby, yesterday Franklin (our 2 year old) and I decided to bake ‘it’ a birthday cake. As we are what we eat, we wanted to make sure that this cake was as full of as many nutrients as possible. That’s when I came across my friend Leandra’s (the ‘Cosmopolitan Hippy’) Paleo chocolate cake recipe.

This is super easy if you have a food processor or thermomix, just throw it all in. I cooked it in one tin and found it didn’t need as long as what as she suggested. We topped ours with coconut cream blended with frozen banana and stewed plum. Yum Yum! I don’t think this will be the last time we make this. Also check out Leandra’s free e-book of cakes for more yummy recipes that are also good for your wellbeing.

ps. Unfortunately baking the baby a cake and eating it didn’t bring on the baby’s ‘birthday’ but we will keep you posted 🙂

Paleo Double Layer Chocolate Cake – Plus FREE Birthday Cake e-cookbook. | leandrabradywalker